Thursday, October 4, 2007


We arrived in Amsterdam by train from Cologne yesterday. It was raining a little when we first arrived, but our hostel was close. I'm learning that whenever the hostel is close to the train station that also means it is right in the middle of the red light districts. Our hostel in Amsterdam is called St. Christopher's and it right in the middle of all this rather seedy stuff. When you are here you learn that a coffieshop is where they sell the marijuana, and the cafes sell the alcohol. I have been intrigued for some time about how The Netherlands manages to have soft drugs and legal prostitution and still have a functioning society. They look at it this way. If you accept that people are going to do it whether legal or not, why not make it at least safe? Thats exactly what they do. As we walked the streets, especially at night, we would see police on motorcycles, horse, and foot patrolling the streets every few minutes. But they are looking for drug dealers who sell hard drugs, and leaving the coffeeshops alone. I've never felt so safe because I knew the cops were out there to protect us and not hassle people just having a good time.

Amsterdam is not just all drugs and red light district. As we walked just a few blocks in almost any direction we would find nice homes on beautiful canal streets where people lived and were coming and going just like anywhere else.

In the morning we set out for the museum district on the south side of the town. The first place we stopped was the Heineken Experience, where they showed how beer is made. To me, it felt just like we were in one big beer commercial. On the up side though, they give you three free beers with the turn. Fisrt museum I've ever been to where they serve alcohol.

Next stop was the Vincent van Gogh Museum. I'm not really that knowledgeable about art, other than I know good stuff when I see it. I don't know if I came away liking Van Gogh or any of his contemporaries more when I left or not. I do know that the life of Van Gogh was compelling. I guess thats what adds to the mystique some of our greatest artist. I've included this video where I think Don McLean's song "Vincent" sums it up pretty nicely. And you can check out some of his great works.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I really enjoyed the art work by Vincent Van Gogh!

One thing I couldn't help but noticing was he painted a number of self potraits. Regardless he was truly a talented artist.

Thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...


Loved your photos of Amsterdam and You Tube display. The canals are just as I remember. How are those two feet doing? Don't forget that I will be traveling to Indianapolis tomorrow. Your grandmother wants me to have one of my cousins bring a laptop so she can see your blog, too. I will be home the evening of the 10th, and I will give you a call as soon as I return. How about dinner on the 11th?

Love, Mom

Marshall said...

Nick, remember when you dressed up like Poochie and sang "Freaks of the Industry" by Digital Underground? Yea, I think you should post that on here as well.

Anonymous said...

Nick, Loved and really enjoyed your photos,comments, and You Tube display. Loved seeing your mom, sister, and Uncle Barry, though it was for a very short visit and under poor circumstances. Hope you can visit the next time they are in Indy. Love, Cousin Stef