Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I know I'm behind but I'm trying to catch up. I need to write a little bit about my time in Prague. Prague was an awesome city. There was so much history in that city. From the cobble stone streets to the Prague castle. It was a much different setting than we were used to. Our hotel was very nice except for the fact that we had to use the internet down in the bar.

During the day, we ended up running into a couple guys we had met on the train from Munich to Prague. They too were in Munich for Oktoberfest. They are actually from Tijuana so we had something in common. So we ended up going out that night to a couple places to get some drinks.

We walked around the next day and got to see the whole city of Prague. We went to the museum of communism and saw the astronomical clock. We ended up meeting the TJ dudes again for some more drinks. While we were waiting I had a beer in the middle of the square.

On the morning we left Prague, we decided to get some Micky D's for breakfast. We were amazed at what came with the typical value meal.

I will post more later.



Anonymous said...

What the hell no Beer??
Did you enjoy your "Royale with Cheese"? Looks like you were eating back home. Can't say I blame you,from my expierience sometimes you need to eat something you are used to to break up the monotony. I still think you are slipping Ito, you are the one who seems to be pounding Beers when the chance arrives. They probably don't serve Beer in McDonalds or else you probably would have!

Take care, Dusty

Anonymous said...

Hey! My comment didn't post about the room with the two beds on each wall. Where Anthony is laying in one of them. I think they look close enough for you two to be holding hands while you sleep!
Thanks for the pictures. Much better. Can't wait to see the next installment. Feels like you guys have been gone forever!!!!!!

Enjoy the rest of your trip!


Marshall said...

DAMMIT! Dusty beat me to the "Royale with Cheese" joke. Well, all jokes aside...I...uh...I've got nothing to say.

Anthony "The Hedge" Ito said...

Marshall not having anything to say? Wow i'm shocked. Yeah I think out of all the places McDonalds was the only place that didn't serve any beer. Otherwise of course Dusty i would have had one.

Yes, the beds were a little close but that was the best they could do. I get scared of the dark anyways.

Thanks Ashley