Thursday, September 27, 2007

Munich was amazing

We just arrived in Prague Czech Republic this morning on the overnight sleeper train (ten hours!). Sorry we didn't get much posting while we were there, but the internet was very hard to get onto, and we were pretty busy doing stuff around town.

On Tuesday we starting things off by heading over to the Oktoberfest (the largest fair on Earth). I think someone said they were expecting over 6 million people. I've never seen anything like it. As soon as I get a chance I will upload some pictures from there. We meet this cool guy who just sat down at our table. He was a janitor from Stuttgart who drove for two hours just to have one liter of beer and then he drove back home. His English was pretty week, but a lot better then our German! We were able to communicate pretty well with very little. I can't believe how many languages people speak around here, at least in the big cities anyway. At home people seem to not even want to know other languages.

The next tent we went to we got another beer and some great food. The music was cool too. I was surprised how many American songs they were playing and everyone was singing along. Hmm, that's another interesting thing. You can really see the hegemonic influence we have on the world. Everywhere we have been so far there is one thing we can count on. They have CocaCola, McDonalds, and Starbucks every few blocks. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I can tell you that we have had all three already. :( What can I say, sometimes it's just easy.

After the first trip to Oktoberfest we staggered back to the hotel and decided it would be a good time to do some laundry. The only clean thing I had to wear was my nice pants and a tshirt I got from the fair. Laundry was fun too. While sitting waiting for the wash cycle to finish we were practicing our German with our phase book and a nice girl came up to us and just started helping us with the pronunciation. We also ran into a couple from New Zealand who were traveling around like us. It's always a treat to run into someone who you can just speak regular English with.

For our second trip back to the Oktoberfest we tried to get into a few tents, but they were all filled up and reservation only. We must remember that for next time. After walking though a few more tents and getting some pictures and videos of all the action we decided to get back on the subway and head downtown by where we were the night before. We ended up just going to the Hard Rock Munich, which turned out to be really good food.

After that we called it a night. On the next post I will tell you about our trip to the meuseums and Olympic park.

Goodbye for now. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know why my last message did not post. Get those photos posted, and be sure to take more with you two in them.
